Tamara Münkemüller - People.


  • 2023-2026 Susan Magnoli - Effects of experimental warming on soil biodiversity, plant-soil interactions and food webs. Funded by the ANR project TransAlp and by a FP7 Marie Curie fellowship.
  • 2023 Irene Calderon-Sanou - Soil multi-trophic biodiversity responses to experimental warming.
  • 2021-2022 Camille Martinez-Almoyna - Plant functional effects on the spatial structure of invertebrate communities.
  • 2020-2022 Gemma Rutten - Spatial biogeography of microbes and their interactions across the French Alps. Funded by the FutureWeb project.
  • 2013-2017 Marta Carboni - Invasive Alien Species: towards Improved MOdeling tools through Virtual ecology. Funded by FP7 Marie Curie fellowship and the Biodiversa WhoIsNext project.
  • 2013-2015 Rafaël Wüest - Coexistence and the Evolution of Climate Niches and Functional Traits. Funded by the SNF (Switzerland) and the ERC TEEMBIO.

  • PhD students

  • 2023-2026 Romain Goury - Effects of glacial retreat and global changes on plant and soil biodiversity . Supervision together with Wilfried Thuiller. Funded by the Biodiversa project PrioritIce.
  • 2023-2026 Marianne Tzivanopoulos - Understanding and predicting invertebrate diversity in Europe - model developpement and scenarios. Supervision together with Wilfried Thuiller and Laure Gallien. Funded by the Horizont Europe project NaturaConnect.
  • 2022-2025 Matthias Rohr - Mechanisms of assembly of soil multitrophic meta-communities. Supervision together with Wilfried Thuiller.
  • 2019-2022 Billur Bektas - Transient dynamics of Alpine grasslands: linking biodiversity and ecosystem functions in a warming world. Supervision together with Wilfried Thuiller. Funded by the Ministry of Research.
  • 2018-2022 Irene Calderon-Sanou - Towards a better understanding of multi-trophic assemblages through the use of eDNA. Supervision together with Wilfried Thuiller. Funded by the ANR GlobNets
  • 2017-2021 Camille Martinez-Almoyna - Structure, dynamics and functioning of multi-trophic meta-communities - spatial and environmental effects. Supervision together with Wilfried Thuiller. Funded by the Ministry of Research
  • 2014-2017 Ceres Barros - Study of ecosystem stability across spatial and trophic scales. Co-supervised with Wilfried Thuiller. Funded by the ERC TEEMBIO project.
  • 2012-2015 Loic Chalmandrier - From communities to multi-trophic metacommunities: disentangling the features of diversity patterns. Supervision together with Wilfried Thuiller and Sebastien Lavergne. Funded by the ENS Paris.

  • mentored PhD students

  • 2023-2026 Giovanni Poggiato - Integrating ecological dependencies in biodiversity models. Funded by the ANR project Gambas. Main supervisors: W. Thuiller and J. Arbel (INRIA, Grenoble).
  • 2011-2015 Hamada Alsayed Ali - Plant Communities in Field Margins of Agricultural Landscapes: Species Distributions, functional Traits, and Contributions to Landscape Function. University of Bayreuth, main supervisor: Björn Reineking, University of Bayreuth, Germany.

  • Master students (M2)

  • 2023 Romain Goury, Master 2 Université Savoie Mont Blanc. Supervision together with Wilfried Thuiller.
  • 2022 Sahra Riviere, Master 2 Universities of Bolzano (IT) and Innsbruck (AT). Supervision together with Billur Bektas.
  • 2022 Rodrigue Friaud, Master 2 ENS Paris. Supervision together with Billur Bektas.
  • 2021 Matthieu Combaud, Master 2 Biodiversité, écologie, évolution de l'université Paris Saclay, de Sorbonne Université et du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. Supervision together with: Björn Reineking, Maya Gueguen, Billur Bektas.
  • 2021 Paul Thienpont, Master 2 ENS Lyon. Supervision together with: Wilfried Thuiller.
  • 2019 Billur Bektas, Master 2 BEE, Univ. Grenoble Alpes. Supervision together with: Wilfried Thuiller.
  • 2019 Sarah Weil, Master 2 Sciences de l'environnement, Dijon. Supervision together with: Wilfried Thuiller.
  • 2018 Raphael Della Vedova, M2 GEOIDES, Univ. Grenoble Alpes.
  • 2017 Camille Martinez-Almoyna, Univ. of Montpellier. Supervision together with: Wilfried Thuiller.
  • 2011 Loic Chalmandrier, ENS - INAPG, Paris. Supervision together with: Wilfried Thuiller and Sebastien Lavergne.
  • 2006 Alex Best, University of Sheffield. Supervision together with: Karin Johst and Justin Travis.

  • M1 & L1-3 students

  • 2023 Reetta Pirttilahti, L3 Plant Science at UGA and University of Milan. 7 weeks.
  • 2023 Yvon Rakotondrazay, L3 de Biologie a L'UGA. 3 weeks.
  • 2021 Ulysse Chabroux, L3 ENS Paris. Supervision together with: Lauric Cecillon & Jerome Poulnard. 8 weeks.
  • 2021 Marion Deville, M1 de Biologie a L'UGA. 8 weeks.
  • 2021 Mathis Ben-Ali, L3 de Biologie a L'UGA. 8 weeks.
  • 2021 Leana Revirand, L3 de Biologie a L'UGA. 4 weeks.
  • 2021 Elia Barnier, L2 de Biologie a L'UGA. 4 weeks.
  • 2021 Arthus Provost, M2 au Conservatoire Botanique de Genève. 2 weeks.
  • 2019 Matthieu Fleuet, M1 Ecole des Metiers de l'Environnement (EME) a Bruz. 12 weeks.
  • 2019 Estelle Mesquida, Stage d'excellence L1 Sciences de la Vie, Grenoble. 4 weeks.
  • 2019 Caroline Trochard, L2 Biologie des Organismes, Ecologie, Ethologie et Evolution a Rennes. 5 weeks.
  • 2019 Chloe Mahieu, L3 de Biologie a L'UGA. 6 weeks.
  • 2019 Melodie Bourreau, L2 DUT L'IUT de la Roche-sur-Yon. 12 weeks.
  • 2018 Billur Bektas, BEE-M1, Univ. Grenoble Alps. Supervision together with: Wilfried Thuiller. 12 weeks.
  • 2018 Loreley Mainguy, BEE-M1, Univ. Grenoble Alps. 7 weeks.
  • 2018 Leo Rocher, L3 de Science de la Vie - Option Ecologie, USMB Chambery. 8 weeks.
  • 2017 Raphael Della Vedova, M1 GEOIDES, Univ. Grenoble Alpes.
  • 2017 Audrey Labonte, M1 Bioingenieur, Agro-Bio Tech, ULg, Belgique. 6 weeks.
  • 2017 Margot Tessereau, BTS Centre de Formation aux Metiers de la Montagne, Thones. 5 weeks.
  • 2017 Nakita Rubuliak, University of Alberta, Canada. 6 weeks.