peer reviewed
- Goury, R., Münkemüller, T., Bonfanti, N., Calderon Sanou, I., Poulenard, J., Thuiller, W., (major revisions). Earthworms as a hub between environmental variation and ecosystem functioning in mountains. Global Ecology and Biogeographie.
- Bonfanti, N., Clement, J.C., Millery-Vigues, A., Münkemüller, T., Perrette, Y., Poulenard, J. (accepted). Seasonal organic matter mineralisation dynamics in alpine soils and responses to global warming: an in-vitro approach. European Journal of Soil Science.
- Grimm, V., Berger, U., Calabrese, J.M., Cortes-Avizanda, A., Ferrer, J., Franz, M., Groeneveld, J., Hartig, F., Jakoby, O., Jovani, R., Kramer-Schadt, S., Münkemüller, T., Piou, C., Premo, L.S., Pütz, S., Quintaine, T., Rademacher, C., Rüger, N., Schmolke, A., Thiele, J.C., J
Touza, J., Railsback, S.F. (accepted). Using the ODD protocol and NetLogo to replicate agent-based models. Ecological Modelling.
- Cantera I., Giachello S., Münkemüller, T., Caccianiga M., Gobbi M., Losapio G., Marta S., Valle B., Zawierucha K., Thuiller W. & Ficetola F. (accepted). Describing functional diversity of communities from environmental DNA. Trends in Ecology and Evolution.
- Bektaş, B., Chisholm, C., Egelkraut, D., Lynn, J., Block, S., Deola, T., Dommanget, F., Enquist, B., Goldberg, D., Haider, S., Halbritter, A., He, Y., Jaunatre, R., Jentsch, A., Kardol, P., Klanderud, K., Lachmuth, S.,
Loucougaray, G., Münkemüller, T., Niedrist, G., Nomoto, H., Seltzer, L., Topper, J.P., Rew, L.J., Seipel, T., Shah, M., Telford, R., Walker, T., Wang, S., Wardle, D., Wolff, P., Yang,
Y., Vandvik, V., Alexander, J. (accepted). Colonization and extinction lags drive non-linear responses to warming in mountain plant communities across the Northern Hemisphere. Ecography.
- Komatsu, K. J., Avolio, M., Cubino, J. P., Schrodt, F., Auge, H., Cavender-Bares, J., Clark, A. T., Habacuc, F.-M., Grman, E., Harpole, W. S., Kattge, J., Kimmel, K., Koerner, S. E., Korell, L., Langley, J. A., Münkemüller, T., Ohlert, T., Ornstein, R. E., Roscher, C., Soudzilovskaia, N.A., Taylon, B., Redersoo, L., Terry, R., Wilcox, K. (accepted). CoRRE Trait Database: A database of 17 categorical and continuous traits for 4079 grassland species worldwide. Scientific Data, 11, 795. doi: 10.1038/s41597-024-03637-x.
- Martinez-Almoyna, C., Calderon-Sadou, I., Lionnet, C., Gielly, L., Boyer, F., Dufour, P., Dunyach, L., Miquel, C., Olhmann, M., Poulenard, J., Renaud, J., Saillard, A., Si-moussi, S., Stephan, R., Varoux, M., Münkemüller, T., Thuiller, W. (2024). Vegetation structure and climate shape mountain arthropod distributions across trophic levels. Animal Ecology, 93(10), 1510-1523.
- Calderon-Sanou, I., Ohlmann, M., Münkemüller, T., Zinger, L., Hedde, M., Lionnet, C., Martinez-Almoyna, C., Saillard, A., Renaud, J., Le Guillarme, N., Gielly, L., The Orchamp Consortium & Thuiller, W. (2024). Mountain soil food webs shaped by the interplay between habitat and pedoclimatic conditions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 190, 109282.
- Gallien L., Cavaliere M., Grange M.C., Munoz F. & Münkemüller, T. (2024). Intransitive competition, can it truly influence coexistence in the real world? The American Naturalist. 204(1). doi: 10.1086/730297.
- Thuiller, W., Calderon-Sanou, I, Chalmandrier, L., Gaüzere, P., O'Connor, L.O., Ohlmann, M., Poggiato, M. & Münkemüller, T. (2024). Navigating the integration of Biotic Interactions in Biogeography. Journal of Biogeography, 51(4), 550-559.
- Bektaş, B., Thuiller, W., Renaud, J., Gueguen, M., Calderon-Sanou, I., Valay, J.G., Colace, M.P. & Münkemüller, T. (2023). A spatially explicit trait-based approach uncovers changing assembly processes under warming. Ecology Letters, 26(7): 1119-1131.
- Poggiato, G., Gaüzere, P., Deschamp, G., Martinez-Almoyna, C., Münkemüller, T., Violle, C., Renaud, J. & Thuiller, W. (2023). Predicting combinations of community mean traits using joint modeling. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 32(8): 1409-1422.
- Khedim, N., Poulenard J., Cecillon L., Baudin F., Barre P., Saillard A., Bektaş, B., Grigulis, K., Lavorel S., Münkemüller, T., Choler P. (2023). Soil organic matter changes under experimental pedoclimatic modifications in mountain grasslands of the French Alps. Geoderma, 429, 116238.
- Gaüzere, P., Blonder, B., Denelle, P., Fournier, B., Grenié, M., Münkemüller, T., Munoz, F., Violle, C. & Thuiller, W. (2023). The functional trait distinctiveness of plant species is scale dependent. Ecography, e06504.
- Martinez-Almoyna, C., Saillard, A., Zinger, L., Lionnet, C., Arnoldi, C., Foulquier, A., Gielly, L., Piton, G., The Orchamp Consortium, Münkemüller, T., & Thuiller, W. (2022). Differential effects of soil trophic networks on microbial decomposition activity in mountain ecosystems. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 172,
- Calderon-Sanou, I., Zinger, L., Hedde, M., Martinez-Almoyna, C., Saillard, A., Renaud, J., Gielly, L., Khedim, N., Lionnet, C., Ohlmann, M., The Orchamp Consortium, Münkemüller, T. and Thuiller, W. (2022). Energy and physiological tolerance explain multi-trophic soil diversity in temperate mountains. Diversity and Distributions, 28, 2549– 2564.
- Walker, T.W.N., Gavazov, K., Guillaume, T., Lambert, T., Mariotte, P., Touth, D., Signarbieux, C., Block, S., Münkemüller, T., Nomoto, H., Crowther, T.W., Richter, A., Buttler and A., Alexander, J.M. (2022). Lowland plant migrations into alpine ecosystems amplify soil carbon loss under climate warming. eLife,
- Brun, P., Violle, C., Mouillot, D., Mouquet, N., Enquist, B.J., Munoz, F., Münkemüller, T., Ostling, A., Zimmermann, N.E. and Thuiller, W. (2022). Plant community impact on productivity: the interplay of community-level functional attributes, individual species, and environmental selection. Ecology Letters, 25(4), 913-925.
- Gaüzere, P., O'Connor, L., Botella, C., Poggiato, G., Münkemüller, T., Pollock, L.J. and Thuiller, W. (2022). The diversity of interactions complements functional and phylogenetic facets of biodiversity. Current Biology, , 32(9), 2093-2100.
- Weil, S.-S., Martinez-Almoyna, C., Piton, G., Renaud, J., Boulangeat, L., Foulquier, A., Saillard, A., Choler, P., Poulenard, J., The ORCHAMP consortium, Münkemüller, T. & Thuiller, W. (2021). Strong links between plant traits and microbial activities but different abiotic drivers in mountain grasslands. Journal of Biogeography,48(11), 2755-2770.
- Bektaş, B., Thuiller, W., Saillard, A., Choler, P., Renaud, J., Colace, M.-C., Della Vedova, R., Münkemüller, T. (2021). Lags in phenological acclimation of mountain grasslands after recent warming. Journal of Ecology, 109(9), 3396-3410.
- Guerrieri, A., Bonin, A., Münkemüller, T., Gielly, L., Thuiller, W. & Ficetola, G.F. (2021). Effects of soil preservation for biodiversity monitoring using environmental DNA. Molecular Ecology, 30(13), 3313-3325.
- Poggiato, G., Münkemüller, T., Bystrova, D., Arbel, J., Clark, J.S. & Thuiller, W. (2021). On the interpretations of joint modelling in community ecology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 36(5), 391-401.
- Calderon-Sanou, I., Münkemüller, T., Zinger, L., Schimann, H., Yoccoz, N.G., Gielly, L., Foulquier, A., Hedde, M., Ohlmann, M., Roy, M., Si-Moussi, S. & Thuiller, W. (2021). Cascading effects of moth outbreaks on sub-arctic soil food webs. Scientific Reports, 11, 15054.
- Martinez-Almoyna, C., Piton, G., Abdulhak, S., Boulangeat, L., Choler, P., Delahay, T., Dentant, C., Foulquier, A., Poulenard, J., Noble, V., Renaud, J., Rome, M., Saillard, A., The ORCHAMP Consortium, Thuiller, W., & Münkemüller, T. (2020). Climate, soil resources and microbial activity shape the distributions of mountain plants based on their functional traits. Ecography, 29, 1212-1229.
- Münkemüller, T., Gallien, L., Pollock, L.J., Barros, C., Carboni, M., Chalmandrier, L., Mazel, F., Mokany, K., Roquet, C., Smycka, J., Talluto, M., & Thuiller, W. (2020). Do's and don'ts when inferring assembly rules from diversity patterns. Global Ecology & Biogeography, 29, 1212-1229.
- Calderon-Sanou, I., Münkemüller, T., Boyer, F., Zinger, L. & Thuiller, W. (2020). From environmental DNA sequences to ecological conclusions: How strong is the influence of methodological choices? Journal of Biogeography, 47(1) 193-206.
- Thuiller, W., Gravel, D., Ficetola, G.F., Lavergne, S., Münkemüller, T., Pollock, L.J., Zimmermann, N.E. & Mazel, F. (2020) Productivity begets less phylogenetic diversity but higher uniqueness than expected. Journal of Biogeography, 47, 44-58.
- Brun, P., Zimmermann, N.E., Graham, C.H., Lavergne, S., Pellissier, L., Münkemüller, T. & Thuiller, W. (2019). The biodiversity-productivity relationship varies across diversity dimensions. Nature Communications 10 (5691).
- Chalmandrier, L., Pansu, J., Zinger, L., Boyer, F., Coissac, E., Genin, A., Gielly, L., Lavergne, S., Legay, N., Schilling, V., Taberlet, P., Münkemüller, T. & Thuiller, W. (2019). Environmental and biotic drivers of soil microbial beta-diversity across spatial and phylogenetic scale. Ecography, 42(12) 2144-2156.
- Martinez-Almoyna, C., Thuiller, W., Chalmandrier, L., Clement, J.C., Foulquier, A., Ohlmann, M., Zinger, L. & Münkemüller, T.. (2019). Multi-trophic beta-diversity mediates the effect of environmental gradients on the turnover of multiple ecosystem functions. Functional Ecology, 23(10) 2053-2064.
- Guisan, A., Mod, H., Scherrer, D. Münkemüller, T., Pottier, J., Alexander, J. & D'Amen, M. (2019) Scaling the linkage between environmental niches and functional traits for improved spatial predictions of biological communities. Global Ecology & Biogeography, 28(10) 1384-1392.
- Klonner, G., Wessely, J., Gattringer, A., Moser, D., Dullinger, I., Hülber, K., Rumpf, S., Block, S., Bossdorf, O., Carboni, M., Conti, L., Dawson, W., Haeuser, E., Hermy, M., Münkemüller, T., Parepa, M., Thuiller, W., Van der Veken, S., Verheyen, K., van Kleunen, M., Essl, F., Dullinger, S. (2019). Effects of climate change and horticultural use on the spread of naturalized alien garden plants in Europe. Ecography, 42(9) 1548-1557.
- Pontarp, M., Bunnefeld, L., Cabral, J.S., Etienne, R.S., Fritz, S.A., Gillespie, R., Graham, C.H., Hagen, O., Hartig, F., Huang, S., Jansson, R., Maliet, O., Münkemüller, T., Pellissier, L., Rangel, T.F., Storch, D., Wiegand, T. & Hurlbert, A. (2019). The latitudinal diversity gradient: novel understanding through mechanistic eco-evolutionary models. TREE, 34(3) 211-223.
- Barros, C., Thuiller, W. & Münkemüller, T. (2018). Drought changes the effects of climate warming on forest-grassland ecotone stability. PloS ONE, 13(10): e0206138.
- Haeuser, E., Dawson, W., Thuiller, W., Dullinger, S., Block, S., Bossdorf, O., Carboni, M., Conti, L., Dullinger, I., Essl, F., Klonner, G., Moser, D., Münkemüller, T., Parepa, M., Talluto, M., Kreft, H., Pergl, J., Pysek, P., Weigelt, P., Winter, M., Hermy, M., Van der Veken, S., Roquet, C. & van Kleunen, M. (2018). The European ornamental garden flora as an impending invasion debt under climate change. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55(5) 2386-2395
- Conti, L., Block, S., Parepa, M., Münkemüller, T., Thuiller, W., Acosta, A.T.R., van Kleunen, M., Dullinger, S., Essl, F., Dullinger, I., Moser, D., Klonner, G., Bossdorf, O. & Carboni, C. (2018). Biotic resistance to the next generation of ornamental plant invaders: the roles of functional similarity and trait plasticity. Journal of Ecology, 106, 1607-1620.
- Wüest, R.O., Münkemüller, T., Lavergne, S., Pollock, L.S., & Thuiller, W. (2018). Integrating correlation between traits improves spatial predictions of functional diversity patterns. Oikos, 127: 472-481.
- Carboni, M., Gueguen, M., Barros, C., Georges, D., Boulangeat, I., Douzet, R., Dullinger, S., Klonner, G., van Kleunen, M., Essl, F., Bossdorf, O., Haeuser, E., Talluto, M., Moser, D., Block, S., Dullinger, I., Münkemüller, T. & Thuiller, W. (2018). Simulating plant invasion dynamics in mountain ecosystems under global change scenarios. Global Change Biology, 24(1): e289-e302.
- Ali, H.E., Reineking, B. & Münkemüller, T. (2017). Effects of plant functional traits on soil stability: intraspecific variability matters. Plant and Soil, 411: 359-375.
- Barros, C., Gueguen, M., Douzet, R., Carboni, M., Boulangeat, I., Zimmermann, N.E., Münkemüller, T. & Thuiller, W. (2017). Extreme climate events counteract the effects of climate and land-use changes on Alpine treelines. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54(1): 39-50.
- Chalmandrier, L., Münkemüller, T., Colace, M.-P., Renaud, J., Aubert, S., Carlson, B.Z., CleÌment, J.-C., Legay, N., Pellet, G., Saillard, A., Lavergne, S. & Thuiller, W. (2017). Spatial scale and intraspecific trait variability mediate assembly rules in alpine grasslands. Journal of Ecology, 105(1): 277-287.
- Mazel, F., Davies, T.J, Gallien L., Groussin, M., Münkemüller, T. & Thuiller, W. (2016). Influence of tree shape and evolutionary time-scale on phylogenetic diversity metrics. Ecography., 39(10): 913-920.
- Zurell, D., Thuiller, W., Pagel J., Cabral, J.S., Münkemüller, T., Gravel, D., Dullinger, S., Normand, S., Schiffers, K.H., Moore, K.A., Zimmermann, N.E. (2016). Benchmarking novel approaches for modelling species range dynamics. Global Change Biology, 19(7): 729-742.
- Barros, C., Thuiller, W., Georges, D., Boulangeat, I. & Münkemüller, T. (2016). N-dimensional hypervolumes to study stability of complex ecosystems. Ecology Letters, 19(7): 729-742.
- Carboni, M., Münkemüller, T.., Lavergne, S., Choler, P., Borgy, B., Violle, C., Essl, F., Roquet, C., Munoz, F., DivGrass Consortium, & Thuiller, W. (2016). What it takes to invade grassland ecosystems: traits, introduction history and filtering processes. Ecology Letters, 19(3): 219-229.
- Thuiller, W., Pollock, L.J., Gueguen, M. and Münkemüller, T. (2015). From species distributions to meta-communities. Ecology Letters, 18: 1321-1328.
- Münkemüller, T. & Gallien, L. (2015). VirtualCom: A simulation model for eco-evolutionary community assembly and invasion. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6 , 735-743.
- Münkemüller, T., Boucher, F., Thuiller, W. & Lavergne, S. (2015). Phylogenetic niche conservatism - common pitfalls and ways forward Functional Ecology, 29 (5), 627-639.
- Chalmandrier, L., Münkemüller, T., Lavergne, S. & Thuiller, W. (2015). Effects of species' similarity and dominance on the functional and phylogenetic structure of a plant meta-community. Ecology, 96: 143-153.
- Chalmandrier, L., Münkemüller, T., Devictor, V., Lavergne, S. & Thuiller, W. (2015). Decomposing changes in phylogenetic and functional diversity over space and time. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6: 109-118.
- Gallien, L., Carboni, M. and Münkemüller, T., (2014). Identifying the signal of environmental filtering and competition in invasion patterns - a contest of approaches from community ecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 5(10): 1002-1011.
- Thuiller, W., Münkemüller, T., Schiffers, K.H., Georges, D., Dullinger, S., Eckhart, V.M., Edwards, T.C., Gravel, D., Kunstler, G., Merow, C., Moore, K., Piedallu, C., Vissault, S., Zimmermann, N.E., Zurell, D. and Schurr, F.M. (2014). Does probability of occurrence relate to population dynamics? Ecography, 37(12): 1155-1166.
- Hartig, F., Münkemüller, T., Johst, K. and Diekmann, U. (2014). On the sympatric evolution of coexistence by relative nonlinearity of competition. PLOS ONE, 9(9): e94454.
- Svenning, J.C., Gravel, D., Holt, R.D., Schurr, F.M., Thuiller, W., Dullinger, S., Hickler, T., Higgins, S., Münkemüller, T., Nabel, J., Pagel, J., Schiffers, K., & Normand, S. (2014). The influence of biotic interactions on species range expansion rates. Ecography, 37: 001-012.
- Matias, M.G., Gravel, D., Guilhaumon, F., Desjardins-Proulx, P., Loreau, M., Münkemüller, T. and Mouquet, N. (2014). Estimates of species extinctions from Species-Area relationships strongly depend on ecological context. Ecography, 37(5): 431-442.
- Münkemüller, T., Gallien, L., Lavergne, S., Renaud, J., Roquet, C., Dullinger, S., Guisan, A., Lenoir, J., Svenning, J.-C., Vittoz, P., Willner, W., Wohlgemuth, T., Zimmermann, N. and Thuiller, W. (2014). Scale decisions can reverse conclusions on community assembly processes. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23(6): 620-632.
- Pe'er, G., Saltz, D., Münkemüller, T., Matsinos, Y. G. and Thulke, H.-H. (2013). Simple Rules for Complex Landscapes: the Case of Hilltopping Movements and Topography. Oikos, 122(10): 1483-1495.
- Chalmandrier, L., Münkemüller, T., Gallien, L., de Bello, F., Mazel, F., Lavergne, S. and Thuiller, W. (2013). A family of null models to distinguish between environmental filtering and biotic interactions in functional diversity patterns. J. Veg. Sci., 24 (5), 853-864.
- Thuiller, W., Münkemüller, T., Lavergne, S., Mouillot, D., Mouquet, N., Schiffers, K. and Gravel, D. (2013). A road map for integrating eco-evolutionary processes into biodiversity models. Ecology Letters, 16, 94-105.
- Carboni M., Münkemüller, T., Gallien L., Lavergne S., Acosta A. & Thuiller W. (2013). Darwin's naturalization hypothesis: scale matters in coastal plant communities. Ecography, 36, 560-568.
- Dormann, C.F., Elith, J., Bacher, S., Buchmann, C., Carl, G., Carré, G., Marquéz, J.R.G., Gruber, B., Lafourcade, B., Leitão, P.J, Münkemüller, T., McClean, C.,
Osborne, P.E., Reineking, B., Schröder, B., Skidmore,
A.K., Zurell, D. & Lautenbach, S. (2013).
Collinearity: a review of methods to deal with it and a simulation study evaluating their performance. Ecography, 36, 27-46.
- de Bello, F., Price, J.N.,
Münkemüller, T., Liira, J., Zobel, M.,
Thuiller, W., Gerhold, P., Götzenberger, L., Lavergne,
S., Lepš, J. Zobel, C., Pärtel, M. (2012).
Functional species pool framework to test for biotic effects on community assembly. Ecology, 93: 2263-2273.
- Mouquet, N., Devictor, V., Meynard, C.N., Munoz, F., Bersier, L.-F., Chave, J., Couteron, P., Dalecky, A., Fontaine, C., Gravel, D.,
Hardy, O.J., Jabot, F., Lavergne, S., Leibold, M., Mouillot, D., Münkemüller, T., Pavoine, S., Prinzing, A., Rodrigues, A.S.L., Rohr, R.P., Thébault, E.,
Thuiller, W. (2012). Phylogenetic ecology: Advances and perspectives. Biological Reviews, 87(4): 769-785.
- Münkemüller, T., Lavergne, S., Bzeznik, B., Dray, S., Jombart, T., Schiffers, K. &
Thuiller, W. (2012). How to measure and test phylogenetic signal. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 3: 743-756.
- Münkemüller, T., de Bello, F., Meynard, C.N., Gravel, D., Lavergne, S., Mouillot, D., Mouquet, N. and Thuiller, W.
(2012). From diversity indices to community assembly processes: A test with simulated data. Ecography, 35(5): 468-480.
- Münkemüller, T., Travis J.M.J., Burton O., Schiffers K. & Johst K. (2011). Density regulated population dynamics and
conditional dispersal alter the fate of mutations occurring at the front of an expanding population. Heredity, 106: 678-689.
- Meyer K., Jopp F., Münkemüller, T., Reuter H., Schiffers K. (2010). Crossing scales in ecology. BAAE, 11: 561-562.
- Meyer K., Schiffers K., Münkemüller, T., Schädler M., Calabrese J., Basset A., Breulmann M., Duquesne S., Hidding B., Huth A., Schöb C., van de Voorde T.
(2010). Predicting population and community dynamics - the type of aggregation matters. BAAE, 11: 563-571.
- Travis M.J., Münkemüller, T. & Burton O. (2010). Mutation surfing and the evolution of dispersal during range expansions.
J.EVOL.BIOL., 23: 2656-2667.
- Gallien, L., Münkemüller, T., Albert, C.H., Boulangeat, I. & Thuiller, W. (2010). Predicting species invasions: where to go from here?
Diversity and Distribution, 16(3): 331-342.
- Thuiller W., Gallien, L., Boulangeat, I., de Bello, F., Münkemüller, T., Roquet-Ruiz, C. & Lavergne, S. (2010).
Resolving Darwin's naturalization conundrum: a quest for evidence. Diversity and Distribution, 16(3): 461-475.
- Zurell, D., Berger, U., Cabral, J.S., Jeltsch, F., Meynard, C.N., Münkemüller, T., Nehrbass, N., Pagel, J., Reineking, B.,
Schröder, B., Grimm, V. (2010): The virtual ecologist approach: simulating data and observers. Oikos, 119(4): 622-635.
- Münkemüller, T., Reineking, B., Travis, J.M.J., Bugmann, H. and Johst, K. (2009): Disappearing refuges in time and space:
How environmental change threatens species coexistence. THEE, 2(4): 217-227.
- Münkemüller, T., Bugmann, H. and Johst, K. (2009): Hutchinson revisited: Patterns of
density regulation and the coexistence of strong competitors. J.Theor.Biol., 259: 109-117.
- Zimmermann, J., Higgins, S.I., Grimm, V., Hoffmann, J., Münkemüller, T. and Linstädter, A.(2008): Recruitment filters in a perennial grassland: the interactive roles
of fire, competitors, moisture and seed availability. Journal of Ecology, 96 (5), 1033-1044.
- Münkemüller, T. and Johst, K. (2008): Spatial synchrony through density-independent versus density-dependent dispersal.
Journal of Biological Dynamics, 2 (1), 31-39.
until 2007
- Münkemüller, T. and Johst, K. (2007): How does intraspecific competition influence metapopulation synchrony and persistence?
Journal of Theoretical Biology 245 (3), 553-563.
- Travis, J.M.J., Münkemüller, T., Burton, O.J., Best, A., Dytham, C. and Johst, K. (2007):
Deleterious mutations can surf to high densities on the wave front of an expanding population. Mol. Biol. Evol., 24 (10), 2334-2343.
- Best, A.S., Johst, K., Münkemüller, T. and Travis, J.M.J. (2007): Which species will succesfully track climate change?
The influence of intraspecific competition and density dependent dispersal on range shifting dynamics. Oikos, 116 (9), 1531-1539.
- Münkemüller, T. and Johst, K. (2006): Compensatory versus over-compensatory density regulation:
Implications for metapopulation persistence in dynamic landscapes. Ecological Modelling, 197, 171-178.
- Münkemüller, T. and Homburg, A. (2005): Naturerfahrungen: Dimensionen und Beeinflussung
durch naturschutzfachliche Wertigkeit. Umweltpsychologie 9, 50-67.
dissertation & book chapter
- Thuiller, W. & Münkemüller, T. (2010). Habitat suitability modeling. In Moeller, A.P., Fielder, W. &
Berthold, P. eds., Effects of climate change on birds, Oxford University Press.
- Münkemüller, T. (2008): Density regulation: Linking theory and applications to understand population-
to community-level dynamics and responses to environmental change. PhD Dissertation. Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research. ISSN 1860-0387.